Jerry Bryan's Web Pages

Jacob Lincoln House in Rockingham County, Virginia

These photographs were taken in June 2007.  This was the first trip I had ever taken to the Linville Creek area, and at the time I hadn't yet figured out where the Bryan land was.  So the photographs were not among the best.

Jacob Lincoln house on Linville Creek in Rockingham County, Virginia

Jacob Lincoln was the great grand uncle of President Abraham Lincoln.  His property was just north of the land of my sixth great grandfather Thomas Bryan Sr..  This view is standing at the side of the highway, looking east at the house.  The road is behind the photographer, and Linville Creek is across the road, further behind the photographer.  It is difficult to see the house because of all the foliage.  There are photographs on the Internet that give a much better view of the house.  I don't know if the better views are because the photographs were taken with the foliage trimmed back, or because the photographer simply went up on the property.  I chose to stay down at the road.

Jacob Lincoln sign on Linville Creek in Rockingham County, Virginia

Text of the sign:  In 1768, John Lincoln moved here with his family from Pennsylvania.  His eldest son, Abraham, grandfather of the president, might have remained a Virginian had his friend and distant relative, Daniel Boone not encouraged him to migrate to Kentucky by 1782.  Abraham's son, Thomas Lincoln, born in Virginia (ca. in 1778), met and married Nancy Hanks in Kentucky, where the future president was born on 12 February 1809.  Nearby stands the Lincoln house built about 1800 by Captain Jacob Lincoln, the President's great-uncle, near the original Lincoln homestead.  Five generations of Lincolns and two family slaves are buried on the hill. Virginia Department of Historic Resources. (Marker Number KB 65.)

Bryan Land from Jacob Lincoln's house in Rockingham County, Virginia

Looking west from the Jacob Lincoln house - from essentially the same spot where the photograph of the house was taken while facing east.  The property line ran southeast to northwest.

Linville Creek is not very visible in this photograph.  It is just across the highway.  It runs parallel to the highway, flowing to the north (to the right of the photograph).  Both the Lincoln land and the Bryan land extend much further to the west than is visible in this photograph.  The view of the rest of the land is obstructed by the little hill on the far side of the creek.

Bryan Land from Jacob Lincoln's house in Rockingham County, Virginia

The same basic view looking west after crossing the highway to get a little closer.  Linville Creek is still not very visible.

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This page last edited on 21 May 2009.