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Syntha Cross, Guardianship

Anderson County, Tennessee, County Court Minutes Jul 1831-May 1838

page 476
Be it remembered that a County Court was open and
hits for the County of Anderson at the court house
in Clinton the first Monday in September 1837 being
the 4th day of said month,
Present John Chiles, Enoch Foster, Henry Chiles,
John Seiber, James Hall, Alfred England, Michael
King, William McKamey, Justice of the Peace for the
County of Anderson, ready for the dispatch of
public business.

Synthy Cross, a minor and legatee of the
Estate of Britton Cross decd. appeared in Court and
chose Alfred Cross her guardian, she being over
fourteen years of age, and the Alfred Cross appeared
in Court and undertook as her guardian, who
entered into bond with John Cross and Joseph Black
his securities in the amount of eight hundred
dollars granted according to law.

On the petition of John Cross, William Cross, and
Alfred Cross legatees of the Britton Cross decd
praying the Court to appoint commissioners
to divide the Slaves and the landed estate of sd. Britton
Cross decd. between the several legatees agreeably to
the last will and testament of the sd. Britton Cross
decd. and made petition being in assigned by that
Court, therefore and by the court that
Alfred England, Luke Peaks, Anderson Thompson,
James Noel, and Samuel C. Young be and they
appointed commissioners to make partition of
the said Slaves and Land agreeably to the
said last will and testament of the said
Syntha Cross guardianship

Syntha Cross was the daughter of Brittain Cross and Mary (Polly) Parks.  Brittain was the founder of the other Cross family in Anderson County.  My Cross family was founded by William Cross the Revolutionary War drummer boy.  Some researchers list William and Brittain as father and son, but I do not believe that William was Brittain's father.  The trouble is, I really don't know who Brittain's father was, except to say that William and Brittain were almost certainly related.  However, it probably was not an especially close relationship.  For example, they were probably not uncle and nephew.

Brittain died in 1825. This guardianship case was subsequent to his widow's death in 1834. The court records identify four children of Brittain: sons John, William, and Alfred; daughter Syntha.  Syntha was the youngest child and the only child who was young enough to require that a guardian be appointed. As far as I know, those four children are the only children Brittain had with his wife Mary (Polly) Parks.  In addition Brittain had a daughter Miriam Worthington born out of wedlock whose mother was Lettice Tunnell.

Bond was posted by John Cross and Joseph Black Jr.  John Cross was Syntha's brother.  Joseph Black was the father-in-law of both William Cross and Alfred Cross, who were Syntha's other two brothers.  So it appears that perhaps John Cross was posting bond in behalf of himself, and that perhaps Joseph Black Jr. was posting bond in behalf of William Cross and Alfred Cross.

page 477
Britton Cross decd. and so make their report to the
next term of this Court and that sd. Samuel C. Young
be appointed surveyor to make sd. partition.
Syntha Cross guardianship

page 481

Whereas the Commissioners appointed at the last
term of this Court to make partition of the slaves
and landed Estate of Britton Cross decd. agree-
ably to the last will and testament of the said
Britton Cross decd. between the several legatees
and to make their report to the present Term
of this Court made and tendered to this Court
their report which report was received by this
Court which is in the following words and

State of Tennessee, Anderson County
Whereas We Alfred England, James Noel,
Andrew Thompson, Luke Peak and Samuel C.
Young having been appointed by the County
Court as Commissioners to View and make
Partition of the slaves and landed Estate
of Britten Cross deceased, having met
according to appointment, we find Luke
Peak was absent, All the remaining above
named Commissioners invite and call into
our aforementioned William Peak who in
company with the above named among
?????, and Samuel C. Young, who also was
appointed surveyor, do now first make
partition of the slaves of said Estate
Syntha Cross guardianship

page 482

as follows (toward) a Certain man named Brice
a Certain Woman named Viny a Certain Girl
named Fandkey, We parcell together, which we call
lot No. 1, which we price at thirteen hundred
dollars, which by alotment falls to Alfred Cross
a certain Man named Sam and a certain Girl
named Mariah, which we call Lot No. 2,
which we price at Eleven hundred and fifty dollars
by alotment falls to John Cross, Certain man named
Buttlar and a certain Girl named Esther we
parcell together and call Lot No. 3rd, which we
price at Twelve hundred dollars, which by
alotment falls to William Cross, a certain young
Woman named Matildah and a certain Girl
named Kiziah, which We parcell together
which we price at seven hundred dollars
call lot No. 4 ^ which by alotment falls to
Syntha Cross, all of which are legal heirs if the
said Britton Cross deceased, also We the above mentioned
Commissioners, do at this same time and by this same
Authority, divide and make partition of the
landed property as follows.  Lot No. 1
Beginning at the mouth of the spring branch
on a large oak stump, running up the mean-
ders if said branch thirty poles to a stake in the
branch, then South fifty West six poles to a stake
then due West one hundred and twenty four poles
to two Black Oaks, then North Fifty poles to
a Post Oak, then due West thirty poles to three
Post Oaks, then North thirty eight poles to a Hicory
at the old road, then South Sixty five East Sixty poles
to a Spanish Oak, then North Eighty five
East twenty eight poles to a post Oak in the field
then south Seventy four East Sixty two poles to a
Cherry tree, then South Eighty Seven and one half
East forth eight poles to three Hackberries,
Thence down the river to the beginning
which by alotment falls to Alfred Cross
Syntha Cross guardianship

page 483

which we price at four hundred and fifty
dollars, which lot includes the dwelling house
and the said Alfred Cross is to pay to the said
different lots namely to lot No. 2 fifty dollars
and to lot No 3 twenty five dollars, also to lot
No 4 twenty five dollars.  Lot 2. Begining
on the Hackberries, running up the bank of the river
fifty one poles to a Mulberry then North Eighty
seven and one half West Seventy poles to a
White Oak then North seventy West one hundred
and thirty two poles to a Post Oak, then South
a direct line to the Hicory corner of Lot No 1
and with said line to the River bank then up
the river to the Beginning.  Lot No. 3.  Begin-
ning on a Mulberry on the river bank, running up
the River the mouth of the branch where the
still house stands to a stake on the line of the seven-
ty one survey of John Cross, the with said
several lines to the Beginning of said tract on
or near to line of that old tract then with the
same due South fifty twopoles to a Post Oak
corner of Lot No. 2, then with said lot lines to
the Beginning.  Lot No 4.  Beginning on a Stake
at the mouth of the branch where the still house stands
running up said branch to a Stake near Alfred Norris-
es old stable on the line of John Cross Seventy Two
one survey, then with seventy one survey lines to
where it strikes? the old survey line, then with said
old survey line to a pine stump in Hick's field
then South Twenty East nintey six poles to the
river bank, then down the river to the Beginning
which several lots contains as follows.  No 1 contains
fifty seven acres, Lot No 2 contains seventy one
acres, Lot NO 3 containing one hundred and nine-
teen acres, Lot No 4th Containing one hundred
and sixty two acres, and We do now further ask
and say that Alfred Cross who we allowed
Syntha Cross guardianship

page 484

Lot No 1 of the slaves to pay John Cross who has
Lot No 2 the sum of sixty two dollars and fifty
cents, also ha? the said Alfred Cross is to pay to William
Cross who has lot No 3 the sum of twelve dollas
and fifty cents, also the said Alfred Cross to pay to
Synthia Cross who has lot No 4 of said slaves
the sum of sixteen dollars and fifty cents, all of
which is the really the property belonging to the
Estate of Britton Cross deceased, which
We the under signed, having carefully reviewed
and examined after having first being sworn
legally as the law requires on such cases, also ????
it is further and announced by us that William Cross is
to have Lot No 2 of the land as above decided
also that John Cross is to have Lot No 3 of the
land and also that Syntha Cross have Lot No
4 as above decided, Given under our hands
and seals, this 13th day of September 1837.
                                     Alfred England
                                     James Noel
                                     Andrew Thompson
                                     William Peak
                                     Samuel C. Young
                                  Commissioners by Court
Syntha Cross guardianship

page 486

Alfred Cross Guardian of Syntha Cross a
Minor and legatee of the Estate of Britten Cross
decd produced and tendered to the Court
an Inventory of the personal Estate of the
Syntha Cross minor and legatee as aforesaid
which was received by the Court and
Ordered to Recorded in the Estate Book
and it is ordered by the Court that the property
be sold by the said Guardian on auction?
by the highest bidder giving legal notice of the said
Syntha Cross guardianship

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This page last edited on 24 Apr 2017.