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Picture of the Start position
  • Start is a local minimum in the quarter turn and face turn metrics.
  • The Start position is identified with the group identity.

Pons Asinorum  (an alternative name in Singmaster is 6-X)

Picture of the Pons Asinorum position FF BB LL RR UU DD           12q
F2 B2 L2 R2 U2 D2             6f

  • Pons Asinorum is a local maximum in both the quarter turn and the face turn metrics.
  • The local maximum in the face turn metric is a weak local maximum (any of the six half turns take you to a position that is 5f from Start, but any of the twelve quarter turns take you to a position that is still 6f from Start).

The name Pons Asinorum literally means "Bridge of Asses".  The name is used in many fields of endeavor to denote a problem that is considered so easy that if you cannot hack it, you are a dunce in the field and you should find another field.  The most common example is geometry, where the Pons Asinorum problem is Euclid, Book 1, Proposition 5, which states that the base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.  For Rubik's Cube, the Pons Asinorum problem is the checkerboard pattern where the corner cubies are fixed and where all the edge facelets have the color of their respective opposite faces.

There is great flexibility in maneuvers for the Pons Asinorum.  For example, F commutes with B, so that we may write the syllable (FFBB) as any of  (FFBB), (FBFB), (FBBF), (BBFF), (BFBF), or (BFFB).   A syllable is defined as any sequence of quarter turns or face turns of the same or opposite faces.  All the moves within a syllable commute with each other.

As another example of the flexibility of maneuvers for the Pons Asinorum, FFBB,  LLRR, and  UUDD are M-conjugate syllables and Symm(Pons)=M.  Because Symm(Pons)=M, we may take any M-conjugate of  the maneuver without changing the position.  And because the syllables FFBB, LLRR, and UUDD are M-conjugate with each other, many of the M-conjugates of the maneuver effectively commute the syllables.   So such things as (UUDD)(LLRR)(FFBB) are alternative maneuvers for the Pons.  In fact, the three syllables for the maneuver may be commuted in any way in which you wish and you will still have a maneuver for the Pons Asinorum.

Finally, we may take inverses for all of the quarter turns for any or all of the faces, for example F'F'BB or F'F'B'B' replacing FFBB.

So many people have discovered the Pons Asinorum independently and it is so simple that I do not know who discovered it first.  The first mention of it in Cube-Lovers was by yekta@mit-mc (name unknown, E-mail address almost certainly no longer valid) on 17 July 1980.  Bernard S. Greenberg provided what is considered the standard maneuver on the same date.  Both yekta and Greenberg called the maneuver a checkerboard rather than the Pons Asinorum.  Later the same day, Greenberg called the position the Pons Asinorum, and also pointed out that there are other checkerboard patterns that are not the Pons Asinorum.

Dan Hoey first reported to Cube-Lovers that 12q and 6f maneuvers were minimal on 7 January 1981.  He attributed the proof to Alan Wechsler (sent to him by David C. Plummer) and to Chris C. Worrell.

The proof is roughly as follows.  In the Pons Asinorum position, each edge cubie is 4 quarter turns from home.  There are 12 edge cubies, so the edge cubies are collectively 48 quarter turns from home.  A quarter turn moves 4 edge cubies, so that one quarter turn can at most reduce the collective number of quarter turns away from home for the edge cubies by 4.  Therefore, at least 12 quarter turns are required to solve the Pons Asinorum.  This fact, along with the existence of solutions that are 12q and 6f in length, shows that 12q and 6f are minimal.

In another Cube-Lovers article on 7 July 1981, Hoey  gave a totally different maneuver for Pons Asinorum, namely (UD'FB')3 or (UD'FB')(UD'FB')(UD'FB'), accomplishing the Pons Asinorum with 6 slice moves.

In a Cube-Lovers article on 19 February 1995, Jerry Bryan reported the results of a computer search that showed that there are five positions unique up to symmetry that are halfway positions, 6q from Start and 6q from Pons Asinorum.

  • Three of the halfway positions differ only in commuting the moves within a syllable or in using counterclockwise moves within a syllable instead of clockwise moves.  Hence, they correspond to only a single distinct maneuver for the Pons Asinorum, namely the one that is usually viewed as the "standard" maneuver.

  • The fourth halfway position is halfway through Hoey's sequence of  6 slice moves, which is a second distinct maneuver for the Pons Asinorum.

  • The fifth halfway position is halfway through the following maneuver, yielding a third distinct maneuver for the Pons Asinorum: (FB')(RRLL)(UUDD)(FB').  The third maneuver was identified on 20 February 1995 by der Mouse, based on an analysis of the fifth halfway position.

Superflip (an alternate name in Singmaster is the 12-flip)

Picture of the Superflip position R'UUBL'FU'BDFUD'LDDF'RB'DF'U'B'UD'     (24q)
UR2FBRB2RU2LB2RU'D'R2FR'LB2U2F         (20f)

  • On Cube-Lovers, Superflip has been called variously all-flip, all-edges-flipped, etc.  The first reference on Cube-Lovers to the name Superflip was by mike reid on 4 May 1992.
  • The first reference on Cube-Lovers to Superflip (but not by that name) was by Alan Bawden on 9 December 1980.  Bawden pointed out that Superflip was the only maneuver other than Start that commutes with every other maneuver.  Hence, Superflip and Start are said to be the center of the cube group G.
  • Bawden noted that David Plummer had found a 28q maneuver for Superflip, and speculated that Superflip might be a position that is maximally distant from Start.
  • It has subsequently been determined that Superflip is not maximally distant in the quarter turn metric.  First, the length of Superflip has been determined to be 24q.  Second, mike reid reported a maneuver of length 26q on 2 August 1998.
  • David Plummer posted his 28q maneuver on 10 December 1980.
  • The next improvement was a 26q maneuver found by mike reid on 5 January 1995.
  • The final improvement was a 24q maneuver found by mike reid on 10 January 1995.
  • Jerry Bryan proved that 24q is minimal on 19 February 1995.
  • There are only two known maneuvers, unique up to symmetry and commuting within a syllable and cyclic shifting and taking of inverses, which are minimal in the quarter turn metric.  The second maneuver is URRF'RD'LB'RU'RU'DF'UF'U'D'BL'F'B'D'L' (24q).  mike reid found the second maneuver on 6 Aug 1997.  The two maneuvers are counted as four if inverses are not considered to be equivalent, occurring as two pairs of inverses.
  • There are only two maneuvers, unique up to symmetry and commuting within a syllable and cyclic shifting and taking of inverses, which are minimal in the face turn metric.  The second maneuver is R2FBRB2RU2LB2RU'D'R2FD2B2U2R'L (20f).  mike reid found both maneuvers on 10 July 1997.
  • Superflip is a local maximum in both the quarter turn and the face turn metrics.
  • The local maximum in the face turn metric is a strong local maximum (any of the six half turns take you to a position that is 19f from Start, as do any of the twelve quarter turns).
  • Superflip has been determined to be maximally distant in the face turn metric.  The length of Superflip has been determined to be 20f, and 20f has been determined in the fact turn metric to be the maximum distance from Start for any position.

Picture of the Pons Asinorum composed with Superflip position

Pons Asinorum composed with Superflip

U  R  F  D  R  U' D  L' U' D  F' B2 R  L' D' F' L' B' R'  (19f,20q)
  • Jerry Bryan found a 20q maneuver for Pons Asinorum composed with Superflip and proved that 20q was minimal on 19 February 1995.  All other results are from mike reid.  He found all the minimal 19f maneuvers on 13 July 1997.  He found all minimal 20q maneuvers on 7 August 1997.  Here are the remaining minimal maneuvers.  They are unique up to symmetry and commuting within a syllable and cyclic shifting and taking of inverses.
     U  R  U  F  U  F  B' L' F  B' R  L' B' R  L' U  F' U' R' U'  (20q)
     U  R  U  F  D  R  L' B' R  L' F  B' L' F  B' D  F' U' R' U'  (20q)
     U  R  D  B  U  R  L' F' R  L' F' B  L' F' B  U  B' D' R' U'  (20q)
     U  R  D  B  D  F' B  L' F' B  R  L' F' R  L' D  B' D' R' U'  (20q)
     U  D    F  R  L' F  B' L  D2 R  L  F' B' U' L2 F  B' U2 L'   (19f)
     U  D    F' B' L' U2 F' B  L2 U' R' L' F' U' D  F' B  D' L2   (19f)
     U2 R    F  U  F  B' L' D' F  B' L  B  R  L' U  D2 B' R' U2   (19f)
     U2 R    F  U2 D' R' L  F' L' F  B' U  L  F  B' D' B' R' U2   (19f)
     U2 R    U2 D2 R  U' L' U  B  R  F2 U' D  B' R' F' D  B' L2   (19f)
     B' D' L' F' D' F' B U F' B R2 L U D' F L U R D   (19f, 20q)

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This page last edited on 18 Jan 2013.