1. Name: Emmert Oral Bryan
2. Address: RD #3, Dandridge, Jefferson, Tennessee
3. Age 19
4. Born: 1 Nov 1898
5. Race: white
10. US Citizen: native born
16. Occupation: laborer in canning factory
17. Employer's name: Smith Brothers Co
18. Place of Employment: RD #6, Dandridge, Jefferson, Tennessee
19. Nearest relative name: Nanny V. Bryan, mother
20. Nearest relative address: RD #3, Dandridge, Jefferson, Tennessee
Signature: Emmert Oral Bryan
21. Height: tall
24. Build: slender
25. Color of eyes: blue
26. Color of hair: brown
Date of Registration: 9/12/18
1. Name: Earnest Lester Peters, age 22
2. House address: Lenoir, Tenn. (Lenoir City)
3. Date of Birth: Feb 28, 1895
4. Natural born citizen
5. Born: Anderson Co., Tenn., USA
7. Occupation: Molder
8. By whom employed: Lenoir Ry Car Works. Where employed: Lenoir City
9. Dependents: wife
10. Married or single: married. Race: Caucasian
11. Previous military service: None
Signature: Earnest Lester Peters
1. Tall, medium, or short: tall. Slender, medium, or stout: slender
2. Color of eyes: black. Color of hair: black: Bald?: No
3. Lost arm, leg, hand, foot, or both eyes, or is otherwise disabled? No
Precinct 9, Loudon County, Tenn, 6/15/17