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Estate Sale of Jane, wife of John Bray

Jane was my fourth great grandmother in Anderson County, Tennessee.  She was the wife my fourth great grandfather of John Bray, and her surname is not known.

E.P. Bray who was the administrator of the settlement was Jane's son, Edward Payne BrayEdward Payne Bray was my third great grandfather in Anderson County, Tennessee.

This estate sale was recorded on 7 Dec 1846. It is therefore likely that Jane Bray died sometime in the fall of 1846. However, the final settlement of her estate was not filed until 1 Nov 1851. I do not know why there was such a long gap between the estate sale and the final settlement of her estate. In any case, the estate sale provides the best evidence of Jane's date of death, and the final settlement of her estate provides the best evidence of her heirs.

Most of the individuals who purchased items at Jane's estate sale appear to have been her heirs, but some of the individuals who purchased items appear to have been neighbors or family friends.

Anderson County, Tennessee: Inventory of Estates Feb 1842 - Apr 1847, page 265

Amt of Sales of the Estate of Jane Bray decd
Thomas Sieber      1 Clock  $5.00                                   $5.00
Archelous Huckeby  1 Bed & furniture        $4.00                   $4.00
Solomon Dizney     1 pr of Steel yards      $1.37 1/2               $1.375
John Cross         2 Augers                 $1.51                   $1.51
Archelous Huckeby  1 pr candlemolds         $0.70 1/2               $0.705
E. P. Bray         1 frow and axe           $0.50                   $0.50
Archelous Huckeby  1 Kettle                 $0.90 1/2               $0.905
Archelous Huckeby  1 par Sharp shears       $0.12 1/2               $0.125
Archelous Huckeby  1 Plow                   $0.37 1/2               $0.375
Joseph H. Bray     1 Sythe Blade            $0.50                   $0.50
Joseph H. Bray     1 par chains & hames     $1.31 1/2               $1.316
Archelous Huckeby  1 Reap hook              $0.12 1/2               $0.125
Archelous Huckeby  1 cutting knife and Box  $0.25                   $0.25
Archelous Huckeby  1 clivis                 $0.25                   $0.25
David Vandegriff   1 log chain              $1.80                   $1.80
David Vandegriff   1 fire shovel            $0.50                   $0.50
Joseph H. Bray     3 Barrels                $1.25                   $1.25
Solomon Dizney     1 Tub                    $0.26                   $0.26
Archelous Huckeby  1 Cotton Wheel           $0.50                   $0.50
E. P. Bray         1 Mattock                $0.37 1/2               $0.375
E. P. Bray         1 half Bushel            $0.12 1/2               $0.125
Joseph H. Bray     1 Sircingle              $0.25                   $0.25
Archelous Huckeby  1 Black Steer            $2.62 1/2               $2.625
Archelous Huckeby  1 White Back Steer       $2.01                   $2.01
E. P. Bray         1 Red heifer             $3.50                   $3.50
Joseph H. Bray     1 Berkshire Sow          $2.00                   $2.00
E. P. Bray         1 spotted Sow            $0.50                   $0.50
Solomon Dizney     2 white Shoats           $1.26                   $1.26
E. P. Bray         3 Sheep                  $2.06 1/4               $2.0625
E. P. Bray         1 other   Sow            $2.00                   $2.00
A. Huckeby         1 Iron Wedge             $0.12 1/2               $0.125
  amt collected otherwise E. P. Bray     Amts H                     $38.09

Anderson County, Tennessee: Inventory of Estates, Feb 1842 - Apr 1847, page 265

Jane Bray Estate Sale

The date of the estate sale tells us something about Jane's date of death. But there is not much additional information of genealogical interest that can be determined from the estate sale. Many of the buyers were family members and many of them were not. But there is not anything in the estate inventory that tells which buyers were family members and which were not.

The individuals who purchased one or more items at the estate sale were as follows.

  • Rev. Thomas Seiber was born about born 28 Nov 1821 in Tennessee. I'm not aware of any connection between him and the Bray family.
  • Archelous Huckeby was the husband of Jane's daughter Emilia Bray.
  • Solomon Disney was the husband of Jane's daughter Sarah Bray.
  • John Cross was the son of Brittain Cross and Mary (Polly) Parks. I'm not aware of any connection between John Cross and the Bray family.
  • E. P. Bray was the aforementioned Edward Payne Bray who was Jane's son.
  • Joseph H. Bray was Jane's son.
  • David Vandergriff was born about 1812 in Tennessee. I'm not aware of any connection between David Vandergriff and the Bray family.

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This page last edited on 17 May 2019.