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1830 Census, Morgan County, Tennessee

   John Scarborough   000001-212001

       male female
        0     2    00-04  1826-1830
        0     1    05-09  1821-1825
        0     2    10-14  1816-1820
        0     0    15-19  1811-1815
        0     0    20-29  1801-1810
        1     1    30-39  1791-1800

   Robert McCart  0210101-0121201

This is Robert McCart Sr. and Peters, parents of Rachel McCart who married James Peters.  The parentage of Hannah Peters is unknown, but she is the correct age to be the sister or cousin of Tobias Peters Sr. and/or Henry Peters Sr.

Some researchers have her parents listed as Samuel Peters and Mary Taylor.  I don't think that's right.  Hannah Peters, daughter of Samuel Peters and Mary Taylor was born 26 Aug 1789 in Mercer County, Kentucky.  Also, the Mercer County Peters were a line from England.  Robert McCart's Hannah Peters was born 26 Aug 1783 in Virginia.  If (as I suspect) she was related to Tobias Peters Sr. and Henry Peters Sr., then she was from a line which was probably a Peters line from Germany.

Cross, Abraham   00001-000010001
       00-04 1826-1830 0 0
       05-09 1821-1825 0 0
       10-14 1816-1820 0 0
       15-19 1811-1815 0 0
       20-29 1801-1810 1 1  Abraham Cross
       30-39 1791-1800   0
       40-49 1781-1790   0
       50-59 1771-1780   0
       60-69 1761-1770   1

I do not know who this Abraham Cross was.  It seems extremely likely he was related to my fourth great grandfather William Cross the Revolutionary War drummer boy, but I don't know what the connection is.

p.98a, line 13, Morgan County, Tennessee, 1830
Timothy Carpenter Jr.  101001-222001

p.98a, line 14, Morgan County, Tennessee, 1830
Timothy Carpenter  00010001-000001001

I do not know who Timothy Carpenter or Timothy Carpenter Jr. were exactly.  I simply note that they were living next door to James Peters, and that James Peters named one of his sons Timothy Carpenter Peters.  So either James named a son after his next door neighbor, or else there were deeper Peters/Carpenter connections.  I suspect the latter, but I don't know what they might have been.

There were additional Carpenter names in the Peters line.  Tobias Peters Jr. had a grandson named Timothy Carpenter Peters.  The two Timothy Carpenter Peters were first cousins first removed.  Some researchers believe that old Tobias Peters Sr. himself was named Tobias Carpenter Peters, but I have not been able to verify this guess.  The elder Timothy Carpenter Peters had a brother named Tobias C. Peters.  Some researchers believe that his full name was Tobias Carpenter Peters, but I have not been able to verify this guess.  Also, it would seem unlikely that two brothers would both carry the middle name Carpenter.

p.98a, line 15, Morgan County, Tennessee, 1830
James Peters  200001-12001

  2  1  00-04  1826-1830  Rutherford Peters, Robert B. Peters, Hannah D. Peters
  0  2  05-09  1821-1825  Elizabeth Peters, Rebecca Peters
  0  0  10-14  1816-1820
  0  0  15-19  1811-1815
  0  1  20-29  1801-1810  Rachel McCart
  1     30-39  1791-1800  James Peters

James Peters was the son of Tobias Peters Sr. and Elizabeth Rachel Scarborough.  He and Rachel McCart were married 6 June 1822 in Roane County, Tennessee.

p.98a, line 16, Morgan County, Tennessee, 1830
Dan Carpenter  00001-0001

p.98a, line 17, Morgan County, Tennessee, 1830
Cornealus Frogg  010001-32101

p.98a, line 18, Morgan County, Tennessee, 1830
John Carpenter  00001-10001

I do not know who these Carpenters were exactly, but they were surely related to the two Timothy Carpenters, and all the Carpenters were living next door to James Peters.  Cornelius Mitchell Frogg married Deborah Carpenter, daughter of the elder Timothy Carpenter from line 14 above.  Cornelius and Deborah were the grandparents of Mary Jane Wright who married Tobias C. Peters.

   Thomas A. Lea

   Phoebe England   0102-01000001

       male female
        0     0    00-04  1826-1830
        1     1    05-09  1821-1825
        0     0    10-14  1816-1820
        2     0    15-19  1811-1815
              0    20-29  1801-1810
              0    30-39  1791-1800
              0    40-49  1781-1790
              1    50-59  1771-1780  Phoebe England

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This page last edited on 23 Jul 2006.