Jerry's Genealogy Data Displayed Via GedSite

Jerry BryanMy main genealogy software is RootsMagic. I find that the best way to present the data from RootsMagic on the Web is with a relatively new piece of software called GedSite. That is what you are seeing on this site. 

When I print reports for family reunions, I include everybody because the people at the reunions want to know about all the newest marriages and babies and so forth. On the Web, I need to maintain privacy. Therefore, I include full data on the Web only for people who are deceased. As a result, my data on the Web is not as complete as are my printed reports for family reunions.

One of the things I especially like about GedSite is that it provides a good mechanism for presenting evidence such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, and census records. I already have most such evidence stored in RootsMagic for the people and families that I research. However, the evidence is sometimes not yet in a format in RootsMagic that allows it to be displayed the way I want in GedSite. Therefore, I am building up my data in GedSite a little at a time, only as I have the data in a format which is ready to present. As a result, you may look for data on this site that I have not yet included because it is not yet prepared for the GedSite environment. And you certainly won't see much if anything on this site about people who are still living.

Jerry Bryan